how do the hyena and the crocodile kill their prey?

In the wild, crocodiles will clamp down on their prey with their massive jaws, crush it, and then they will swallow the prey whole. They do not have the capability to chew or break off small pieces of food like other animals.
When the hyenas hunt an animal that is bigger than themselves, they act in a dog or wolf-like behavior; they hunt in packs and together take down the prey by biting into it and dragging it to the ground. Like dogs, but unlike other animals in the same habitat, hyenas do not kill their prey directly
Instinctively, a crocodile would attempt to consume its prey on the first go, they couldn't care less about dispatching a small sized critter. A couple of good clamps of their massive jaws can produce sufficient force to crush bone and enough sheer pressure to kill small prey animals. But that is, only if the prey/animal is close to the respective crocodile’s bite size