how do the movement of earth affect my daily activities
I need long answer
As the Earth rotates, each area of its surface gets a turn to face and be warmed by the sun. This is important to all life on Earth. The sun affects everything from the weather we experience to the food we eat, and even our health
Every 365 rotations causes us to get one year older. If we could stop the rotations we would not age. Better would be to make the Earth rotate the other way so we would get younger. I always wanted to start my education over again in the first grade. I missed the day they taught english. All I did that day was go to lunch. Cheers and greeting for a new 365 along with cold weather. 33F
Earth's rotation is a major factor for life prevailing on earth. The formation of day and night are a result of earth's rotation. If the rotation stops, the side facing the sun wil have day till eternity and it will be hot as hell. The temperature may reach hoti 500 Celsius. The side not facing will be freezing to -100 Celsius. The formation of seasons will stop and life will cease to exist
It gives day and night, an integral part within the evolution of life (and its behaviour) on the planet. The temperature shift helps drive weather, as does the spin of the earth itself. And seasons come and go as the spin tilts. The atmosphere is protected by magnetic fields created by the spin. Heat is generated by spin. Whole continents surf on this ball of lava creating the land and countries we perceive, with all its many mountain ranges, plateaus and faults. This is all rather simplistic but you get my gist?
Contrary to popular belief, the earth doesn’t rotate at all. If you think about it, if the earth were to rotate, say at 1,000 mph (equator) - think of a catapult that just flung you 1,000 mph.
Next if you were at the center of the North Pole your movement would be near zero - which blasts a big hole in the globe model as to why there is no difference from zero miles per hour and 1,000 miles per hour.
hope it will help u