Physics, asked by Kiran3359, 3 months ago

How do you build a power supply?


Answered by umasahu871999


A reliable, secure, and efficient power supply for industries, buildings, and more. Totally Integrated Power offers individual solutions for future-proof power supply. Future-proof. Reliable and efficient. Digitalization

Answered by roykoli1974



The Parts. All of the following components can be found at your local RadioShack. You can also scavenge most all of these parts fairly easily from old electronics.

The Tools. These are the standard tools for assembling almost all electronics projects. Not all of these are absolutely necessary, but they make the job a lot easier.

Breadboard. Breadboarding isn't mandatory if your confident things are going to work out, but it's probably a good idea to do it anyway.

Dry Fit the Components. Your going to want to lay everything out on the perfboard before you solder it.

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