English, asked by Dhidhi7279, 8 months ago

How do you feel when you touch the soil? Hard, soft, elastic,dry,sticy etc


Answered by orangesquirrel

When we touch the soil, it feels dry, sticky, hard or soft depending on the composition and water content of the soil.

* Soil texture is determined by the presence of three main components- sand, clay and silt.

* The soil feels gritty if it contains a greater amount of sand.

* If the soil contains a greater amount of organic matter, it appears to be spongy.

* If the soil is soft, it means that it contains a greater amount of silt and clay and the particles in it are smaller.

* Presence of water and clay makes a soil sticky whereas presence of sand makes it dry.

Answered by mindfulmaisel

The feel of the soil is entirely dependent upon the soil texture.


  • The term soil texture explains the smoothness or roughness of the entire object. This soil texture can be determined by the feeling of the soil.
  • The soil texture has been composed of proportion of sand, clay and silt in the soil. Here, the sand is considered as the largest soil particle.
  • The sand particles are huge and it is neither slick nor sticky when it is wet. It is gritty.
  • Silts are the medium sized particles and it felt somewhat sticky, when it is wet.
  • Clay particles are hard, when they are dry and sticky when they are wet.  

To know more about soil texture,

1) Name the types of soil classified on the basis of soil texture?


2) How could soil texture affect the uptake of nutrients from soil what could be its impact on crop production


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