English, asked by babyc5zrovi, 1 year ago

How does amoeba obtain its food?


Answered by swiftbrain
the amoeba is an unicellular animal. It's food in 5 total steps 
1. ingestion
2. digestion
3. absorption
4. assimilation 
5. egestion 

1. INGESTION:- The amoeba takes its food using its pseudopodia(false feet) and forming temporary fingers like projections called pseudopodia the food is engulfed making a food vacuole around it.

2. digestion :- the enzymes enter the food vacuole and break down the food into small chemicals 

3. absorption :- the digested food is directly absorbed into the cytoplasm by diffusion

4. assimilation :- a part of of the food in amoeba cell is used to obtain energy through  respiration 

5. egestion :- amoeba has no fixed place (like anus) for removing undigestedpart of food. when a considerable amount of undigested food collects inside amoeba, then its cell membrane suddenly ruptures at any place and the undigested food is thrown out of the body  and now the amoeba is ready to divide itself into its two daughter cells 

Answered by Anonymous
Amoeba consumes food with the help of pseudopodia. Pseudopodia are temporary finger-like projections of the cell surface, which fuse over the food particle. This results in the formation of a food vacuole.It is inside this food vacuole that complex substances are broken down into simpler ones. These are then diffused into the cell cytoplasm. The remaining undigested material is thrown outof the cell surface.

Anonymous: hope it helpful for u
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