how does brich tree look
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Leaves: light green, small and triangular-shaped with a toothed edge, which fade to yellow in autumn. Flowers: silver birch is monoecious, meaning both male and female flowers (catkins) are found on the same tree, from April to May. ... Look out for: bark is white and leaves triangular shaped.
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पत्तियां: हल्के हरे, छोटे और त्रिकोणीय-आकार एक दांतेदार किनारे के साथ, जो शरद ऋतु में पीले रंग का हो जाता है। फूल: चांदी का बर्च दांतेदार है, जिसका मतलब है कि पुरुष और महिला दोनों फूल (कैट्स) एक ही पेड़ पर पाए जाते हैं, अप्रैल से मई तक। ... के लिए बाहर देखो: छाल सफेद है और त्रिकोणीय आकार छोड़ देता हैंlll
Most birch leaves are 2 to 3 inches long and have a characteristically oval leaf base; the edges of the leaves are serrated or saw-toothed. Birch trees have both male and female flowers called “catkins” that appear on the same tree.
thanks ;)☺☺☺☺
Most birch leaves are 2 to 3 inches long and have a characteristically oval leaf base; the edges of the leaves are serrated or saw-toothed. Birch trees have both male and female flowers called “catkins” that appear on the same tree.
thanks ;)☺☺☺☺

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