How does democracy produce an accountable,resposive and legitimate govt.?
may anyone answer
Democracy does it in the following ways:-
1. A democracy is accountable because there are mechanisms to look into the functioning of the government and to hold it accountable to the people.
2. A democratic government is.very responsive as it is the people's own government and therefore, it listens to the needs and requirements of the people
3. A democracy is legitimate government because it is the people's government. It is of the people, for the people and by the people and arbitrary power is not exercised.
please mark as brainliest :}}
-it is answerable to public
-its people own elected government
Here people choose their ruler
-RTI act allow people to keep track on gov activities
-promotes transperacy
-elections are held periodically which makes it legitimate gov. Free and fair elections
-promotes equality,justice,freedom and liberty.
-improves quality of decision making