Sociology, asked by sonukumar9182, 1 year ago

How does deviance contribute to order and stability?


Answered by GauravSaxena01


<> Deviance and Control

Define deviance and categorize different types of deviant behaviour

Determine why certain behaviours are defined as deviant while others are not

Differentiate between methods of social control

Describe the characteristics of disciplinary social control and their relationship to normalizing societies.

<>Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance

Describe the functionalist view of deviance in society and compare Durkheim’s views with social disorganization theory, control theory, and strain theory

Explain how critical sociology understands deviance and crime in society

Understand feminist theory’s unique contributions to the critical perspective on crime and deviance

Describe the symbolic interactionist approach to deviance, including labelling and other theories

<> Crime and the Law

Identify and differentiate between different types of crimes

Evaluate Canadian crime statistics

Understand the nature of the corrections system in Canada.


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