how does life continues after death ? Is it scopeful ?
I went into cardiac arrest 4 times while in the emergency department. It was due to long QT syndrome ( sudden death syndrome ) The first time was not painful at all, I remember talking to my sister. My husband called an ambulance because I had been vomiting blood nonstop and been unable to pee for hours. The pain had been awful but more importantly I felt so off I had this sense of doom, like I was in danger.
Once there, I vomited a few times and started to feel better, enough that they let my younger sister in the room to see me. Ironically enough I had told her I felt better and that I probably wouldn't be here very many hours. She started saying something but I didn't hear her. I just remember looking at her, she just looked like an old photo, turned still and fading into black. That was the real last coherent memory I have before my heart stopped.
My sister and Husband in the room said, I turned no response and that my eyes stayed wide opened. My husband said he could see the flatline from my heart stopping before the alarms went off. To me I felt nothing. I don't remember the doctors rushing in, or hearing the alarms. My family said it was very loud especially since it took a while to get me back there were loud noises and chaos. I don't remember being disrobed, nothing.
What was disturbing is the inbetween. When I came back to life, I woke up gasping, and in pain. Such a pain I can't ever describe in my chest, it wasn't from the paddles or the dull ache from the CPR. This pain was a threatening kind of pain, sharp, tightening, like a boa wrapping around your heart clasping it until you feel like your heart will burst. I only remember because the pain was so vivid so traumatic. I woke up so confused, the nurse said in all her years she had never seen anyone will Long QT syndrome before. She said I had grabbed at the doctor, then grabbed her wrist because she was the closest and said “help me”. I vaguely remember trying to grab someone asking for help then everything going black again.
The nurse had said after I asked for help I had a seizure and then my heart had stopped again for the second time. From what I was told each time my cardiac arrest lasted a bit longer each time. The final time was when I felt peace, no I didn't see god, or a bright light. I just remember a feeling of peace and a sensation I wasn't in my body anymore, that I was free and one with the universe. Free from pain atleast.
My nice feeling of peace was slowly interrupted by the faint shouting of nurses and doctors WAY in the background. Every moment the shouting grew closer, and with that my sensation of peace and being one with the universe was being destroyed. Almost like being awaken from a pleasant dream, your annoyed…you rather go back to dreaming than be awaken.
I was awaken and it felt awful. I woke up gasping for air so loud my husband said it was deeply disturbing. Imagine the night he, I imagine he saw a lot of disturbing things that night, to say that sounded must have been. He said I went a long time without air. It was like waking up to a nightmare, from feeling peace…I suddenly felt nothing but pain. Pain everywhere but especially my chest, ribs and throat.
If you were to ask me in that moment I was in peace, would I like to be revived…I'd say no. In that moment, I didn't miss my family because I couldn't remember my family..I couldn't remember what I was leaving behind on earth. I just had this feeling, this sense that…I was leaving my body and the longer I was away the more peace I felt. Such an urge came over me to keep leaving my body farther and farther behind. I didn't really see anything, it's just a feeling I got. The moving forward? It's the sensation I had too, the sensation to move away from wherever I started from, and move away from that spot and follow my instincts to keep going farther. The farther I moved the more peaceful it got. Such a warmth of love and peace wash over you that I've never felt in my life, that no love can ever compare to because it's not earthly.
So my long way of answering is, yes for me there was something very pleasant on the other side of death. I hope it's still there waiting for me when the time comes.
hope it was helpful