How does non-metallic character vary from left to right in a period?
Answer : Non- metallic character increases from left to right in a period because effective nuclear charge increases from left to right in a period. Due to this effective nuclear charge, the electronegativity increases and the tendency of gaining electrons also increases.
Metallic characteristic decreases from left to right in a period.
Groups are arranged horizontally on the periodic table and periods are arranged vertically. So every column is named as a group in the ascending order. And every row is named a period and period name ascends as you move from top to bottom of the periodic table.
Metals tend to lose electrons to attain Noble Gas electron configuration. As we go from left to right in a period, the atomic size decreases, so the power of nucleic attraction on the electrons increases. So the tendency to lose electrons decreases, which leads to decreased metallic characteristics from left to right in a period.