English, asked by Sunny7301, 11 months ago

How does rain give back life to the earth?


Answered by s10754

Answer: "Due to the sun's heat, water evaporates from the sea level and forms some clouds in the sky. Then due to collision between clouds, the rain can form and again the rainwater will store in the sky and rain gives back life to its own origin.

Answered by qwxavi

1. The sun's heat slowly rises the temperature of the Earth, because of this sudden rise in temperature the water in several water bodies starts to heat up.

2. This heated up water converts to vapour and vapours bind together to form clouds.

3. When the clouds get too heavy with the water collected altogether, they give it back to the Earth in the form of rain.

4. Rain brings back with it a lot of things. During the process of evaporation, because of the continuous rise in heat and temperature, the Earth suffers a lot.

5. When the rain comes, it decreases the heat of the land and creates pleasant weather.

6. Rain helps the crops grow and the trees to bear good fruits.

7. It replenishes the soil

8. It helps flowers bloom beautifully

9. Thus, rain replenishes life on Earth and brings back life to Earth.

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