How does shakespeare use irony in mark antony's speech essay?
Of course Irony And irony, A nice work indeed by William Shakespeare.
In the Antony's speech William Shakespeare used the lines like " And they call Caesar an ambitious Man, And yes they are the honourable men".Hey there I don't remember the actual lines!, so please forgive me for this!,
Antony in his speech says that Brutus and the other conspirators were the honourable men and on the other hand he claims Caesar to be a great General ( Indirectly actually) . Antony in his speech says how Caesar fought the battles and everytime he returned with triumph, Rejected the offered crown three times, His good plans about the Royal treasury to be distributed among the Romans equally and the free entry to Royal Garden and Park for all Romans!, and he brought the captives back to Rome who were arrested by the enemies. So, Without directly claiming The conspirators to be guilty and without referring Caesar as great, he ironically made the influence on people's hearts, So Antony's speech was ironic indeed.