how does snake Lays egg
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Not all snakes lay eggs--70% of them do, while the rest give live birth. Snakes that give birth to their young without laying eggs are called viviparous. These snakes live in colder climates, where eggs would not incubate as well. Snakes that lay eggs fall into two categories, oviparous and ovoviviparous. The eggs have a hard shell that protects them, and they are usually placed under leaf litter or loose soil, or within a hollow stump or burrow.
Answered by
Only 70% of the world's snakes lay eggs... Oviparous -or egg-laying snakes tend to live in warmer climates, which helps incubate their eggs. Viviparous- or live-birthing - snakes tend to live in coolar regions, where the ground is too cold for the eggs to develop on their own.
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