How does the Kinetic Molecular Theory of matter explain the existence of:
(i) Solids
(ii) Liquids
(iii) Gases
Liquid = more than solids
The continuous motion of the particles of matter is known as kinetic molecular theory...
It is directly proportional to temperature...
It depends on two things=
1)Intermolecular space
2)Nature of the molecules
1. In solids, since the kinetic energy is low, the molecular attraction is high and the molecular space is low and posses rigidity.
2. In liquids the kinetic energy is higher than that of solids but is lesser than that of gases.
Also the molecular attraction is lesser than solids but more than gases...
so these exist as liquids and posses fluidity.
3.I gases the kinetic energy is highest among the three states..
along with the least molecular attraction, and high intermolecular space...
Due to these, gases posses diffusion capacity