English, asked by BrainlyHelper, 1 year ago

How does the lesson, ‘A Shady plot’ , remind us that man has no right to invoke supernatural powers through Ouija boards, Tarot cards,etc. to solve his problem and that one should face life boldly and overcome difficulties using with an intelligence? Write the answer in 80- 100 words.
(Cbse class 10 English Communicative Question paper 2015)


Answered by nikitasingh79
It is always dangerous to involve supernatural power is solving one’s problems. First of all there is no such things as Supernatural powers. They are all hallucinations of one's own mind. And even if there are, we never know how they will react. And why would a supernatural power over the commands of a human being? Therefore the wisest thing for a man is to depend on his own mental and physical powers to solve his problems. God has endowed man with a head that has a brain in it. And he has also given him a soul that directs him to choose the way that is morally good and right. Problems and difficulties are a part and parcel of life. And man should face them boldly, using his wit and intelligence. It is only week minds that have recourse to the Supernatural.
Answered by anujrajverma27


The lesson, ‘A Shady Plot’ reminds us that

man has no right to involve supernatural powers

through Ouija boards, tarot cards, etc., to solve his

problems and that one should face life boldly and

overcome difficulties using his wit and intelligence.

The above mentioned statement is correct and I

agree to it. According to me, human beings are

intelligent enough to solve their problems. So,

they do not require to call the ghosts or to play

games using Ouija Boards. In the story also, John

was very comfortable in writing ghost stories.

Suddenly, Helen, the ghost appeared and told him

that the ghosts were going on strike. The reason

which she told was hilarious as well as tragic. She

told that people disturb them by calling again and

again to answer their silly questions. Why humans

are not capable enough to sort out their problems,

themselves? With reference to the lesson, I would

like to say that usage of ouija board created trouble

in the married life of John and Lavinia. John was

called a traitor, which he was not. So, according

to me, people should stop relying on such things

(Ouija boards, etc.) and should solve their problems

on their own.

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