how does the process of respiration occurs in Living Organism
Like aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration occurs in cells, but glucose does not completely break down. ... The cells take in glucose and produce ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide. Most aerobic respiration happens in the mitochondria, but anaerobic respiration takes place in the fluid portion of the cytoplasm.
Respiration is the process in which food is broken down into smaller particles along with the liberation of energy. The energy released is utilized for various metabolic activities. In this process oxygen is inhaled inside by a living organism when they breathe in and carbon dioxide is exhaled out.
Respiration is the process of releasing energy through the breakdown of nutrients such as glucose. Respiration can be aerobic (uses oxygen) or anaerobic (does not use oxygen). Aerobic respiration takes place continuously in both plants and animals. It occurs through a process known as cellular respiration.