Biology, asked by sunny23641, 1 year ago

How does the respiratory system work


Answered by kalpeshbora


I don't know this answer

Answered by finnorefreeze

The respiratory system is a system of organs which perform respiration . The components of it include nose/nasal passage , trachea , bronchi , bronchioles , alveoli and lungs .

The air first passes through the nasal passage where fine hairs are present which filter dust particles . From here it passes through the component called rings of cartilage which prevent the air from hitting directly to the trachea or wind pipe . Through it the trachea it reaches bronchi where it divides to bronchioles . It terminates into balloon like structures called Alveoli .

The rythmic contraction and expansion of diaghpram helps in inhaling and exhaling

The large no. alveolus present in the lungs helps to provide surface for exchange of O2 and CO2 . The alveoli are richly supplied with blood vessels which bring deoxygenated blood and take oxygen from alveoli to get oxygenated blood . Oxygen is transported with the help of a respiratory pigment called haemoglobin . CO2 is more soluble in water so it is transported through liquid form .

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