How does the tree convey loyalty of the man who plants it
The loyalty of a tree
Man's truest friend is the 'tree'. Under no circumstances will a tree betray a man. The opposite however is never true. Man is selfish and greedy. For his self interest he will destroy the tree that has provided it shelter, food and solace.
Literature is full of stories highlighting the loyalty of a tree. This can be observed in the short story 'Nimai forever' where a Neem or Margosa tree had been planted by a small boy 'Shyamal' and his grandfather.
The sapling soon grew to a big size and gave the family shade and peace. It demanded nothing in return. But with time grandfather died and Shyamal's father decided to mercilessly cut down the tree to build a garage for his new car.
Shyamal was heart broken but could not go against his father's order. The night before the tree was to be cut a storm shook the area. There was a huge round of thunder and lightning. A fatal bolt struck Shyamal's area, but the good old 'Nimai-the Neem tree' acted as a lightning conductor and bore the entire lightning saving Shyamal's house from catastrophe.
In the process it got burnt down to ashes. The story conveys how the tree conveys loyalty of the man who plants it.
We should thus never ever cut down a tree. Saving trees means saving lives.
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