How does tongue helps in identifying tastes
Answered by
Tasty Tidbits
That's because the top of your tongue is covered with a layer of bumps called papillae (say: puh-PILL-ee). Papillae help grip food and move it around while you chew. And they contain your taste buds, so you can taste everything from apples to zucchini! People are born with about 10,000 taste buds.
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Answered by
Tasty Tidbits
That's because the top of your tongue is covered with a layer of bumps called papillae (say: puh-PILL-ee). Papillae help grip food and move it around while you chew. And they contain your taste buds, so you can taste everything from apples to zucchini! People are born with about 10,000 taste buds.
hope it helps you please mark me as brainliest answer
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