how does water are unavailable to plants under water logging condition ?
· Problems of water-logged soils are. Water depth: Low land areas are usually flooded to depths of about 50 cm and the limitations to crop production associated with extensively low reduction potentials and partly because of low phosphorus availability. ... Moist soila have a higher specific heat than dry soils.
Answer: Problems of water-logged soils are. Water depth: Low land areas are usually flooded to depths of about 50 cm and the limitations to crop production associated with extensively low reduction potentials and partly because of low phosphorus availability. ... Moist soila have a higher specific heat than dry soils
One reason is a lack of oxygen in a waterlogged soil damages or kills plant roots. Plant roots require oxygen for cellular respiration. You could say plant roots "suffocate" without oxygen. Another reason is that anaerobic microbes in a waterlogged soil produce toxic waste products that can harm plant roots.
Waterlogging occurs whenever the soil is so wet that there is insufficient oxygen in the pore space for plant roots to be able to adequately respire. Other gases detrimental to root growth, such as carbon dioxide and ethylene, also accumulate in the root zone and affect the plants.