How has technology played a part in shrinking the world?
When someone says that the world is shrinking, does that mean that the world is growing smaller and smaller everyday? The answer is no. The concept of the shrinking world actually has to do with how much technology has impacted the world we live in today. Two hundred years ago, everyone had to walk to the destination they wished to go or travel by stage coach; no one could travel very far, which made the world seem so big. In today's world, if someone wanted to travel anywhere in the world, they can simply fly in an airplane. In a number of hours, you have arrived at the destination you are trying to reach. Also, since people take their phones with them everywhere they go, they have the whole world at their fingertips. Technology is the foundation of our world.
The advances of the technology in today's world has made the world appear to be smaller than it actually is due to the fact that we have everything we need within a touch of a button. Globalization has contributed to the concept that our world has diminished into a much smaller place. There have been three major phases of globalization. The first phase started in the late 1400s when many explorers from around the world wanted to find new lands in order to gain wealth and glory for their home country. People such as Christopher Columbus also wanted to spread their culture and their way of life. The first phase of globalization ended in 1800.
The second phase of globalization began in the early 1800s shortly after the first phase came to a close. This phase lasted for 200 years; many new technologies and modes of transportation were founded in these years. Early satellites, steam engines, and railroads were just some of the new technological inventions developed during this time period. Telephones and telegraphs also came into being. The second phase of globalization played a big role in the development of future technologies and necessities that we have today.
Finally, the third stage of globalization started at the start of the new millinium, 2000, and is currently in progress. New compter software and hand-held phones that both contain all of the world information were invented. When the end of the third stage of globization is over, who knows what new technologies and scientific discoveries we will have at the push of a button or even at the point of a finger.