How important are renunciation, wisdom and kindness in building relationship with others?
Kindness, on the other hand, glues couples together. Research independent from theirs has shown that kindness (along with emotional stability) is the most important predictor of satisfaction and stability in a marriage. Kindness makes each partner feel cared for, understood, and validated
When we are struggling in a relationship, kindness may be the last thing on our mind. Anger, frustration, even sadness may block our ability to access good feelings about our partner. Yet, without feelings of loving kindness toward our partner, we decrease our incentive and ability to work through difficult issues. Start with yourself. If you don’t love yourself, it is extremely difficult to give love to another. Think about your best qualities. Are you kind, generous, understanding, friendly? Affirm your good qualities internally or aloud, “I am a kind and generous person.”Next, think of what attracted you to your partner. What are his or her best qualities?Now visualize your partner smiling at you and send him or her loving-kindness and gratitude for these qualities.