How is india a federal country?explain with example
Dr. Ambedkar has categorically said in Constituent Assembly discussions that notwithstanding certain provisions that centralize the powers, Indian Constitution is essentially federal. Prof. Wheare and some other academicians, however, are hesitant in calling it a federal constitution and prefer to term it as "quasi-federal" or "federal with strong centralizing tendency".
Though, it should be noted that even prof. Wheare accepts the existence of certain provisions in the American constitution, such as dependence of Senate on States, that are contrary to federal character. However, he says that while the principles of federalism should be rigid, the terminology of "federal constitution" should be wide. A constitution should be called federal if it displays federal character predominantly.
The following are the defining features of federalism.
1. Distribution of Powers between center and states.
2. Supremacy of the Constitution.
3. Written Constitution.
4. Rigidity of the Constitution.
5. Independent Judiciary.
All the above characteristics are present in the indian constitution that makes it federal.
Given below:-
Typically, democratic constitutions are classified into two categories - Unitary and Federal. In a unitary constitution, all the powers are concentrated in a central authority. The states or the constituents of the country are subordinate to a such central authority. In a Federal constitution, forces are distributed among the center and the states. States are not subordinates of the center. According to Prof. Wheare, the constitutions of the USA, Australia, and Switzerland are prime examples of Federal constitutions. Dr. Ambedkar has categorically said in Constituent Assembly discussions that notwithstanding certain provisions that centralize the powers, the Indian Constitution is essentially federal. However, Prof. Wheare and some other academicians are hesitant to call it a federal constitution and prefer to term it "quasi-federal" or "federal with a strong centralizing tendency"Though, it should be noted that even prof. Where accepts the existence of certain provisions in the American constitution, such as the dependence of the Senate on States, that are contrary to federal character. However, he says that while the principles of federalism should be rigid, the terminology of "federal constitution" should be wide. A constitution should be called federal if it displays federal character predominantly.
The following are the defining features of federalism:-
1. Distribution of Powers between center and states.
2. Supremacy of the Constitution.
3. Written Constitution.
4. Rigidity of the Constitution.
5. Independent Judiciary.
All the above characteristics mentioned above are present in the Indian constitution that making India a federal country.