how is it different from the vicious cycle than virtuous cycle
kyaaaaa samaje nahi aayaaa
A virtuous circle will continuously keep you in a good situation, a vicious circle will continuously keep you in a bad situation.......
The circle is the symbol of the loop, a path that you go through over and over again... The virtuosity or the viciousness of it, is only the expression of following such path.
In Dante's Alighieri divina commedia, he describes the 9 circles of hell, and the 7 spheres of paradise.
The nine concentric circles are on earth, and the concentric sphere encapsulate the earth.
The allegory, is that when we die, we get trapped in one of the circles or the spheres, depending on our "good" or "bad" life on earth.
We are then stuck going around the same path (one of the circles or one of the sphere) over and over again. Very few have been allowed to move up or down the layers between hell and paradise.
Hell is represented by the Vicious Circle, and Heaven is represented by the Virtuous Circles ...