How is retrieval related forgetting different from forgetting due to interference?
Difference between retrieval related forgetting and forgetting due to interference
Retrieval forgetting takes place due to inability to retrieve previously learnt knowledge, information or experience from long-term memory. This occurs when retrieval stimuli or cues are missing which were earlier present while encoding the memory.
Decay theory states that retrieval forgetting can be due to memory being faded or erased over time when a new memory is created over an old memory.
Retrieval practices help to correct retrieval forgetting
Interference forgetting takes place when one memory interferes with the ability to remember another memory.
This happens when information stored in long-term memory becomes confused with another similar type of information which would have combined during encoding process of memory which is now distorting or interfering with one another.
Proactive interference makes an old information or task to interfere with the ability to remember a new information or task
Retroactive interference makes a new information or task to interfere with the ability to remember a previously learnt information or task
Rehearsal practices helps to avoid interference of memories