Science, asked by debajyotiratha24, 1 year ago

How is sexual reproduction occur in humans??


Answered by samarpreet214
Human reproduction is any form of sexual reproduction resulting in human fertilization, typically involving sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. During sexual intercourse, the interaction between the maleand female reproductive systems results infertilization of the woman's ovum by the man's sperm. These are specialized reproductive cells called gametes, created in a process called meiosis. While normal cells contains 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs, gamete cells only contain 23 chromosomes, and it is when these two cells merge into one zygotecell that genetic recombination occurs and the new zygote contains 23 chromosomes from each parent, giving them 23 pairs. After a gestation period, typically for nine months, is followed by childbirth. The fertilization of the ovum may be achieved by artificial insemination methods, which do not involve sexual intercourse.

Answered by aparnahvijay

Hii mate .. your answer..

Sexual reproduction occurs in human by the fusion of male gamete, egg (it is a cell with half number of chromosomes) and female gamete, sperm( it is also a cell with half number of chromosomes).

When the sperms enter the vagina they travel to the fallopian tube where egg is stored for 2 days . Then one sperm enter the egg and fertilisation  occurs . This results in the formation of zygote . Then the zygote developed and implanted to the placenta in uterus . The placenta is a disk  shaped tisssue containing villi and blood vessels to provide nutrition to the developing baby.

Then the embryo completely develops in the uterus of the mother in the time period of 9months 9 days this process is called gestation. Then the baby expelled out through the vagina of the mother . This process is called parturition.

Hopes it helps..

Thank you

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