How is the role of a student in clt different from that in the audio-lingual method (500 words)?
The communicative language teaching is am approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes communication or interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. The clt was the product of educators and linguists who had grown dissatisfied with earlier Grammer Translation and Audio Lingual Methods, where students were nott learning enough realistic, socially necessary language. Therefore they became interested in the development of communicative style teaching in the 1970s, focussing on authentic language use and classroom exchanges where students engaged in real communication with one another. The goal of clt is of creating communicative competence in the learners. It makes use of real life situations.
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The Audio-Lingual Method or the Army Method is a method of instruction used in teaching international languages. It is based on behaviorist theory, which pretends those specific characteristics of living things, and people could be encouraged through a method of reinforcement whereby the accurate use of a trait would accept assertive feedback while wrong application of that trait would accept contradictory feedback.
Communicative Language Teaching
(CLT) is an approach to the instruction of second and foreign communications that indicates communication as both the centers and the concluding goal of studying a language. It is also designated as “communicative strategy to the instruction of foreign languages” or solely the “Communicative Approach”.
There are differences within communicative language teaching and audio-lingual methods in courses of the positions of teacher and learner. In the audio-lingual approach, the teacher’s role is central and dynamic; it is a teacher-dominated program. The teacher guides the target communication controls the administration and pace of training, and counselors and corrects the students’ accomplishment. Language learning is perceived to result from effective verbal communication among teachers and learners. On the other hand, in communicative language instruction, the learner performs the fundamental role and the teacher acts as an arbitrator.