How is water heater made with the help of convex mirror?
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Solar water heaters help in warming the cold water with the help of sun’s energy. If you do not wish to buy a soar water
heater then you can make one of your won. Basically it consists of heat collector and water storage tanks. The heat collector
is placed in a place where there is abundant sunlight. The heat collectors are generally black sheet metal that is attached to
the tube. Black color helps in absorbing heat faster. A concave mirror too can be used in order to collect heat. The mirror
can be focused on the water collector to heat the water stored in it. For the purpose of pumping the heated water to the
house for general purposes try heating less amount of water at intervals once the eater inside the heat collector is hot it is
pumped inside a large storage tank. This pumping can be done with the help of active and passive methods. The passive
method makes use of convection while active method uses pumps.
You can very easily make a solar water heater for your home, especially if you are living in an independent apartment. You
can set the heat collector up on the terrace as it is one place where lots of sunlight is expected to come.
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