How long it takes to reduce ringworm marks?
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How to Get Rid of Ringworm Scars
Ringworm is a fungal infection that causes a red circular patch to develop on your skin. It is a contagious condition that even your pets can transmit to you.[1] Ringworm may cause itching and swelling, and possibly even scarring. If you have a ringworm scar, then there are several things that may help to treat it.
Method One of Three:
Using Medical Treatments or ProceduresEdit

Exfoliate your skin with a home remedy. Use a water and baking soda mixture, lemon juice, ground fruit seeds and nuts, sugar, papaya, or ground coffee on a regular basis to remove your ringworm scars over time. Apply the mixture to your scarred area, gently massage the mixture into the skin, and then rinse it well with warm water.[2]If you don’t want to use a home remedy, you can also purchase over-the-counter exfoliation kits at drugstores.

See a dermatologist about microdermabrasion. A dermatologist can help you remove mild scars caused by ringworm through using microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a gentler, non-surgical procedure that exfoliates the outer layer of your skin with a fine abrasive tip or by applying crystals and vacuum suction to the skin.[3]You can also find microdermabrasion kits at drugstores, but make sure you understand how to use the included tools correctly before attempting this yourself.
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