How many 6 digit numbers can be formed using 112233?
total no. = 112233
from 112233, the no. of six digit that can be formed are
= 6!/2!2!2!
= 6mp5mp4mp3mp2mp1mp/2mp2mp2mp
= 90
Step-by-step explanation:
Number Definition:
A number is an arithmetic value that is used to calculate and represent a quantity. Numerical symbols, such as "3," are written to represent numbers. A number system is a logical way of writing numbers that uses digits or symbols to represent them. the system of numbers
a helpful collection of numbers
reflects the number's algebraic and mathematical structure.
offers a common depiction.
Different Numbers
The number system allows for the classification of numbers into sets. In math, there are several different kinds of numbers:
- Natural numbers
- Whole numbers
- Integers
- Real numbers
- Rational numbers
- Irrational numbers
- Complex numbers
- Imaginary numbers
Given: A number
Find: To find how many digit numbers can be formed using
There can be a total of six different ways to arrange the six supplied digits are repeated twice.
Thus, prospective six-digit numbers