Math, asked by pinalpatel62, 1 year ago

How many four digit numbers divisible by twenty nine have the sum of their digits 29?


Answered by vbijwe9
Simple way to find these would be to use Excel. The final numbers are 4988, 7598, 7859, 9686, 9947.

Column 1 - numbers 35 to 344 (These are the numbers between which multiples of 29 are 4 digit numbers).

Column 2 - 29 * numbers from column1 = all the 4 digit multiples of 29

Column 3 - Units digit = mod(multiple,10)

Column 4 - Tens digit = {mod(multiple,100)-mod(multiple,10)}/10

Column 5 - Hundreds digit = {mod(multiple,1000)-mod(multiple,100)}/100

Column 6 - Thousands digit = {mod(multiple,10000)-mod(multiple,1000)}/1000

Column 7 = Sum of digits = sum of columns 3 to 6

With a simple conditional formatting of column 7, we get these 5 numbers which satisfy the required condition.

Hope it helps.
Answered by devanshraval

Answer:i am ironman

awww snap

Step-by-step explanation:

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