how many people get lung cancer by smoking ?
This question can be answered through:
a. biometry
b. biophysics
c. bio-economics
d. biogeography
Answered by
Most people get lung cancer through smoking are:
- This question can be answered by: c. bio-economics.
- In the case of smoking / lung cancer, all three hypotheses were used as possible data accounts.
- When, in the mid-1950's, smoking was introduced as a cause of lung cancer, it was quite possible to explain the epidemic of lung cancer.
- In many lands where people took turns smoking pipes and smoking cigarettes 50 years earlier even though the procedure was not clear at the time.
- If the screening study only evaluates patients who are hospitalized and smokers are more likely to be hospitalized for reasons unrelated to lung cancer.
- Smoking cancer and lung cancer can then be linked to data even if the variables are independent of the general population.
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One of the following is not a macromolecule
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