how many times does sun come out in a year
and night
There are 365.25632 days before Earth arrives in the same place in it’s orbit and is between the Sun and a given star position in the Galaxy (usually the Sun is in X constellation) and that makes it a Sidereal Year. The Tropical Year is 20 minutes longer. But, in general, that’s 365 days and a 1/4 day drift. We call these accumulated time shifts a “Leap” Year, Leap Second, etc. As close as you want to figure and how they usually do it is a leap year happens for years where the Year number is divisible by four, but not 100 and for 400 but not by 1000. So, 2016 = Yes. 1600 = yes. 2000 = no. 2017 = no.
These two annual times of light and dark are separated by a long sunrise and a long sunset. Earth rotates on its axis; this causes us to experience day and night. But Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees (the angle is measured between Earth's equatorial plane and the plane in which it orbits our Sun).