How many times will you write the numeral 2 if you write all the numbers from 201 to 300?
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Numeral 2 will appear( 89+ (2*9)+3 )times
=110 times, this is because there are 9 three digit numbers between 201 and 300 with the first digit 2 and the last digit 2 with the exception of 222 which has all three digits.
Again, there are 89 three digit numbers with the first digit 2 and the rest of the digits not 2,
Hence :
A :2 appearing once : 201, 203, 204,…… 299 (89times) i.e 99-(B+C) ,Total numbers beginning with 2 are 99.
B:2 appearing twice : 202, 212, 232, 242,……292 (18times ) , 9numbers
C:2 appearing thrice : 222 (3 times ), 1 number
Hence 2 will be written 110 times from numbers 201 to 300.
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110 times
pls mark me brainliest
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