How many words of four or more letters can you make from the letters shown in today's puzzle? In making a word, a letter can be used as many times as it appears on the puzzle. For example, here the letter "p" is repeated twice so only the letter "p" may be used twice in making a word but the rest of the letters can be used once in making a word. Each word must contain the central letter. There should be at least one seven letter word. Plurals and proper names are not allowed. Hope you understand the rules and regulations.
No unneccessary answers for getting free 100 points. Rating : 07 average, 08 good and 10 outstanding.

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shopper is the correct answer
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Shoe, Rope, Hope, Shop, Horse, Pore, Repo, So, Shopper
I have found 9 words......!!
♥️Thank u.......!♥️
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