How much closer is it to travel from Aurora to Clifton directly than from Aurora to Clifton through Burlington?
Given : Image of Distance between Aurora to Clifton and Aurora to Burlington
To find : How much closer is it to travel from Aurora to Clifton directly than from Aurora to Clifton through Burlington
Aurora to Clifton = 97 Miles
Aurora to Burlington = 65 miles
(Burlington to Clifton )² = (Aurora to Clifton)² - ( Aurora to Burlington)²
=> (Burlington to Clifton )² = 97² - 65²
=> (Burlington to Clifton )² = (97 + 65)(97 - 65)
=> (Burlington to Clifton )² =162 * 32
=> (Burlington to Clifton )² =9² * 2 * 4² * 2
=> (Burlington to Clifton )² =9² * 2² * 4²
=> (Burlington to Clifton )² =72²
Burlington to Clifton =72 Miles
Aurora to Clifton directly = 97 Miles
Aurora to Clifton through Burlington = 65 + 72 = 137 Miles
137 -97 = 40 miles
it is 40 miles closer to travel from Aurora to Clifton directly than from Aurora to Clifton through Burlington
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