How much is the Least Count of a screw gauge
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screw gauge of 100 divisions will move the cap scale along the main scale by 1/100 of mm-0.01 mm. This is the minimum value up to which a screw gauge can measure and is known as its least count. Or it is defined as the ratio between the pitch of the screw and the number of divisions on the circular scale.
A screw gauge is also known as a micrometer is a precision instrument.
Least count=pitch/number of division of thimble.
5/50=0.01 mm.
One division of thimble =0.01 mm with refence to straight line on sleeve. This is least count of screw gauge or micrometer.
hope this answer will help you
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Screw gauge means goo
Explanation: the gauge is a person who lives in his village
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