Chemistry, asked by Helios7135, 1 year ago

How much time will it take to evaporate a bucket of water at room temperature?


Answered by shiven81


displacement of air over the surface, the faster air changes, the faster the evaporation. With no more details, the best I can suggest is one to 2 days. Since the only limitation is temperature, I will tell you between never and a couple of seconds. Given 100% humidity, the water will never evaporate.

Answered by Anirudhzone2006


When a liquid substance turns into a gas, the process is called evaporation. The evaporation of water is the driving force for the atmosphere's water cycle. The world's oceans, seas, lakes and rivers provide nearly 90 percent of the moisture in the atmosphere via evaporation. On a much smaller scale, you can carry out a simple experiment at home to establish how long it takes for water to evaporate, and what factors speed up the process.

Purity of the Water

Pure or distilled water evaporates faster than saltwater and other types of impure water. Saltwater has another substance dissolved in it (salt), so its particles attach themselves to the water molecules, making them heavier and in need of more energy to escape the surface.

Surface Area of the Water

The greater the surface area of the water, the faster it evaporates. You can see this for yourself by observing two containers of water. Water in a very tall container with a small top surface takes much longer to evaporate than water in a large, shallow container. If the surface area is so large that the water is only one molecule deep, it evaporates almost immediately.

Temperature of the Water

Hot water evaporates faster than cold water because the molecules of hot water have more energy to escape the surface and turn into a gas molecule. When a water molecule does this, the molecule becomes a molecule of water vapor (or steam).

Relative Humidity of the Air

The amount of water in the air as a fraction of the total amount the air can hold when it is saturated is called relative humidity. The more humid the air immediately above the water is, the longer it takes to evaporate because if the air is already filled with water vapor, it cannot accommodate extra vapor. For example, if you live in the desert, the water evaporates much faster in an area with no other water than it does if the water is next to a lake.

There are too many variables as basic data to provide an exhaustive answer to the question, how fast does water evaporate? Also, each of the above variables work together to affect the rate of evaporation. For example, when temperature and humidity are steady and wind speed increases, the rate of evaporation also increases. When temperature and wind speed are steady, but humidity increases, the rate of evaporation decreases.

If you are carrying out your own evaporation experiment, you can speed up the process in several ways. Use pure or distilled water and increase the surface area by placing it water in a shallow tray. Choose a tray made of metal, as this is a good conductor of heat and will help to prevent the water from cooling down as it evaporates. Increase the temperature of the water by blowing warm air over it with a fan.

Put a cover over the surface if possible, either a rigid lid or a floating cover as is used in swimming pools. This either limits the surface's contact with the air or creates a pocket of trapped air over the water. This soon becomes dense with water-vapor molecules and will not accept further molecules as readily.

Reduce the airflow over the water by positioning windbreaks such as hedges or trees around it. When water evaporates it forms a moist layer of air over the surface, lowering the capacity of the air to accept more water molecules from the liquid. Moving air draws water vapor away from the area over the surface of the water and replaces it with drier air, increasing evaporation.

Pour an impermeable, floating liquid such as vegetable oil into the water. A thin layer of oil will float to the surface and prevent water molecules from making contact with the air. However, in many circumstances it is not appropriate to use oil. In these cases use a special anti-evaporation compound that is not harmful to the environment.


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