Business Studies, asked by gayathri05, 1 year ago

how nitro works in car


Answered by Thundervignesh
the answer is The term "nitro" has only come into use in the last few years to describe these engines and has its origins in marketing hype in the model car market. For the fifty or so years prior to this term since the engines were first developed, they were simply referred to as "glow engines", but the term "nitro" has more impact in ad copy. These engines are actually fueled by methanol, but the fuel is often doped with nitromethane as a performance additive. T
Answered by giti1
When you heat nitrous oxide to about 570 degrees f (~300 c) it splits into ozygen and nitrogen. So the injection of nitrous oxide into an engine means that more oxygen is available during combustion. Because you have more oxygen you can also inject more fuel , allowing the same engine to produce more power.

Hope it helps.....
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