How people can put pressure on the parliament.
People are the most important part of the democracy and in any democratic system people are given enough authority to keep a check on the government and its actions.
Seriously? If Government tries to pass some bills which are not in the favour of democracy and people then who will oppose those bills 'Opposition'. Like a fair trial cannot take place in the absence of defence lawyer a fair passing of bills cannot take place in absence of opposition. I think that this question might have arised in your mind due to recent activities of opposition of disturbing of Parliament and this thing was common during UPA-1 and UPA-2 too and its the habit and role of opposition in a democracy to criticize the steps of government which according to opposition are not in favour of nation. But due to some hyperactiveness shown by INC people have started criticising the opposition but they have to play their role of criticization of government so we should just be chilling as government knows how to deal with it.