how philosopher mabutu sese seko shaped african education
Mobutu Sese Seko has ruled Zaire, the former Belgian Congo that he renamed in 1971, since he assumed power with a military coup in 1965 and established the Second Republic. His regime has been characterized as repressive, and his critics describe him in terms of his drive for power, his compulsion for personalization, and his hunger for adulation. As an effective statesman, he is considered ambitious, charming, keenly intelligent, and diversely educated. According to J. B. Wright in Zaire Since Independence, “[The Mobutu regime’s] most striking feature is a certain genius for survival against all the odds,” including record indebtedness, opposition from the Catholic church, and two invasions. Zaire’s rich mineral resources combined with Mobutu’s moderate policies have assured Zaire of powerful foreign support, both military and economic.