How rhyme scheme make a poem good to listen to?
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Question - How Rhyme Scheme Makes a Poem good for Listening ?
Answer - Well , as It is ---
Rhyme Scheme is something That Mkae sa poem Interesting tyo read and Develop as Rhyme Scheme is Realted to By Rhyming words , So Rhyming words usually Come upon ,Causing an interesting affect and a Humorous one as well - For Example
- She had slept with a Big Snore
But She spells herself By a Great Roar
, so the words - Snore and Roar do rhyme as the same
So it is Denoted as By Letters Concluding with each number of Lines
as The Rhyme Scheme Roar and Snore Comes on The Next Line after the words , It is called by a,a or a,b .\
Here is an Example of a Poem which I made ----
The Sleepy way
Once on a Far Land
Had Kingdom of Sleep
with a King Named Sleepy
and a Minister named Goofy
and His Court administrative by The Sleepy Court
There was This Girl
Who was the King's Daughter
She was too sleepy
She Sleeps when she sits . Writes and Even when Eating
she is Floopy
She is woopy
and Silly too
But she has nothing else to do
One Day She had Slept with a Big Snore
But she spells Herself by a Great Roar
She is Gotta Be Learning some sort by it
Of How To Be Herself
As I Think it by Myself
Hope It help's You