English, asked by anandnavodayan94, 8 months ago

how should we lead our lives ?​


Answered by anilsenapati1975


  1. set goals of your life
  2. lead by example
  3. be fearless
  4. Honor others

Answered by mohammedmirza024


When people talk about leadership, they the focus is most often on others--how leaders serve them, empower them and motivate them.

What if we turn the tables, though?

Here are 12 ways that becoming the leader of your own life will make a big difference:

1. Set goals for your life.

Set daily, monthly and long-term goals tied to your visions and dreams. Don't be afraid to go for something big--remember, nothing is impossible if you believe you can achieve it.

2. Lead by example.

Every day, you're setting an example for those around you--whether you realize it or not, positive or negative. Your life is your message, so to be leader of your life you need to decide what message you want to send.

3. Be fearless.

Too many people coast through life without ever taking the initiative to find greatness within themselves.

4. Honor others.

Others will tell you to make sure you get all the credit and validation that are due to you.

5. Embrace new ideas and opportunities.

Don't shy away from anything new, whether it's an opportunity, an idea, or an experience. Turn every day into an adventure and work to turn all the programs, projects and processes in your life into possibilities.

6. Question everything.


How to Be The Leader Of Your Own LifeWhen it comes to your own life, learn to live it like a leader.



How to Be The Leader Of Your Own Life

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When people talk about leadership, they the focus is most often on others--how leaders serve them, empower them and motivate them.

What if we turn the tables, though?


What if instead of thinking about leadership in relation to others, we concentrate on the leadership we can take within our own lives? What would that look like?

Here are 12 ways that becoming the leader of your own life will make a big difference:

1. Set goals for your life.

Set daily, monthly and long-term goals tied to your visions and dreams. Don't be afraid to go for something big--remember, nothing is impossible if you believe you can achieve it. Once you've set your goals, ask yourself daily what you're doing to reach them.

2. Lead by example.

Every day, you're setting an example for those around you--whether you realize it or not, positive or negative. Your life is your message, so to be leader of your life you need to decide what message you want to send.

3. Be fearless.

Too many people coast through life without ever taking the initiative to find greatness within themselves. Instead, teach yourself to be daring, bold and brave. Be willing to fall down, fail and get up again for another round. To lead in your life requires that you do things that make you afraid--because life will unfold in portion to your courage.

4. Honor others.

Others will tell you to make sure you get all the credit and validation that are due to you. But being the leader of your own life means learning to be humble and give away the credit. Going out ahead of others is only part of leadership; you also have to go with them. Instead of seeking recognition for yourself, show that you stand with them and that you recognize and appreciate them.

5. Embrace new ideas and opportunities.

Don't shy away from anything new, whether it's an opportunity, an idea, or an experience. Turn every day into an adventure and work to turn all the programs, projects and processes in your life into possibilities. Everything was impossible until the first person did it, so work to always be that first person.

6. Question everything.

Become the person who's constantly asking questions. The more you question, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the more you know. If you weren't born with it, develop the drive to increase your knowledge, skills, and understanding.

7. Do what's right, not what's easy.

There are some things you simply don't take liberties with. When it comes to integrity, honesty and ethics there is no room for compromise.

8. Find goodness and beauty in everyone and everything.

It's easy to become overwhelmed by the negativity and ugliness that exist in the world.

9. Actively reject pessimism.

10. Be the change you want to see in the world.

11. Surround yourself with mentors and teachers.

12. Care for and about people.

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