how someone goes to the conclusion that cell suspention culture and protoplast culture are something else from thier self?
B Embryogenic cells of Larix and Cryptomeria
Proliferation of embryogenic cell culture from protoplast cultures of both species was obtained (Fig.3). The same combination of auxin (10 μM of 2,4-D) and cytokinin (10 μM of BA) was successful for controlled cell divisions and differentiation of early somatic embryos from protoplast cultures of embryogenic cells of both species. MS salts without NH4NO3 was preferred as the basic medium composition by Larix and MS for Cryptomeria. In Larix, as shown in Fig. 4, a high concentration of sucrose was promotive for head cell divisions. At 3 % sucrose, suspensor cells elongated, and at 9 % sucrose, only small cells divided. However, at 6 % sucrose, both structures were observed. 0.2 M or more of mannitol was inhibitory at 9 % sucrose. Optimal cell density for efficient cell divisions was 5-10 × 104/ml in Larix. In Cryptomeria, reduction of mannitol to 0.3 M was effective for induction of embryogenic culture from protoplast culture.
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Figure 3. Proliferation of embryogenic cell clusters in protoplast cultures originating from embryogenic cells of Larix leptolepis (a-c) and Cryptomeria japonica (d-f). 3b,3e: embryogenic cell clusters obtained after lldays of culture. Bar = 50 μm.