English, asked by saiswati86, 9 months ago

how the liver and heart of doe used to draw out the poison of rattlesnake? ​


Answered by rahul123437

Penny killed DoE and used his heart and liver to draw out the poison.


  • The doe Jody had killed to extract poison out of Penny and save his father's life had a fawn. Jody wondered that the fawn must be lost and hungry without his mother. Thus, Jody wanted to bring the fawn home to raise him as he felt responsible to take care of him.
  • Penny's son Jody killed a doe and used its heart and liver to counter the snake's poison. It seems like an age old home remedy to cure snake bite. The fawn has become an orphan because its mother was killed by Jody.
Answered by 1174sainikschoolambi


He used her heart and liver to draw out the snake’s poison. In this way the doe saved Penny’s life.


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