English, asked by amaryadav258, 1 month ago

How the sun illuminates the face of the earth​


Answered by aryadwivedi10


The Earth is a sphere, or ball, which spins round and round as it travels around the sun. One side of the Earth faces the sun, while the other side faces away into space. The side facing the sun is bathed in light and heat—we call this daytime. The side facing away is cooler and darker, and experiences night

Answered by snehlata1948


Earth's Seasons

At summer solstice, June 21 or 22, Earth's axis points toward the Sun and so the Sun is directly overhead at its furthest north point of the year, the Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N). The Earth's tilt on its axis leads to one hemisphere facing the Sun more than the other hemisphere and gives rise to seasons.

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