English, asked by kenth, 1 year ago

how to conduct oneself during work immersion


Answered by amritagzb1982


Be punctual

Be honest

Be sensitive

Be competitive

Answered by p4pranjalkumar



Be Punctual

Make it as your top priority. Always make sure that you will arrive on time because it demonstrates your commitment to your job. Remember, school is different from work, no more excuses/consideration. In short, do not be late.


Be Honest

Because honesty will always be the best policy. It is also one of the key to success so always be honest even if others are not.


Be Persistent

Patience is a virtue. Don’t give up so easily, take it as a challenge for it will make you better.


Be Diligent

Keep in mind that no one has ever succeeded because of laziness. So always push yourself to the limits. Don’t procrastinate for it can damage your potential.


Be Flexible

You should always be willing to change or to learn even if it’s already out from your comfort zone.


Be Competitive

But don’t take it too badly. Being competitive doesn’t always mean that you need to compete with others, compete with yourself rather, to a better version of you. But you should make sure to balance everything so that you cannot affect other peoples’ self-esteem.


Be Sensitive

Always care for the people around you. Extend your help to those who needs you, if possible ask them on how you may help them because you’ll never know when will you be needing a help from them. Remember, “No man is an island”, even if we say we don’t need or want a friend, time will come that you’ll be needing a help from others, so always be kind and polite.


Wear your smile, ALWAYS

Wear it before, during, and after your job. Even if how much tired you are, it is always important to put a smile on your face to attract positivism.


Observe Good Manners and Right Conduct

Always keep in mind that you are not just bringing your name, rather you’re bringing the name of your school and your family’s name. So make sure you possess formality, act according to your level, pay careful attention to your office etiquette and make sure your behavior is in line with expectations.

positive-attitude-2Poses a Positive Attitude

Because your attitude reflects your personality. Always cheer-up for negativity is contagious.

imagesPresence of Mind

Make sure you’ll be useful to their team/company. Don’t be such a nuisance.


Greet people around meet

Another DON’T, is forgetting to greet people around you especially the ones with a higher position. Even if they won’t response or you do not like the person, it is still a manner to greet them.

appropriate-dress-code-clipart-8Dress Appropriately

Wear appropriate clothes that suits you well. Your appearance should always be neat and clean. If there isn’t a dress code, pick attire that is the norm for your place of employment. Because sometimes, people will treat you on how you look.

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Don’t be distracted so easily

Keep away from any temptations that will make you distracted. Always focus on what you want to achieve and to your goals.


Don’t be an “Eye Service”

This is what we call “Pakitang-tao”. It is also equal to dishonesty. Do not try to deceive other people because you’re not just lying to them but to yourself also.


Don’t ask for anything in return

Especially when it comes to “money”. Don’t expect for any monetary value because remember, it’s you who needs them. If you have, then just be thankful but never expect and ask.


Reflect on what you’ve learned

Always see every day as an opportunity towards your brighter future. Make sure you always end up your day to learn something new.

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