How to create an online shopping store explain in detail
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Launching Your Online Store
Ensure your online store looks professional. If you want to have a viable online business, you need to focus on quality from the outset.
Pick a payment gateway.
Set up shipping integrations.
Set up taxes properly.
Choose a great domain name.
Set up analytics to measure your success.
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Introduction Of Online Shopping Marketing Essay
1738 words (7 pages) Essay
1st Jan 1970 Marketing Reference this
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Introduction of Online Shopping
Anything that customers purchases affects environment by means of delivery, whether they have the product shipped at home or drive to a brick and mortar store(supermarket). In earlier days people used to go to different shops before purchasing as they didn’t have a great deal of easy access to information on products. Due to the development of World Wide Web it has now become easy to access the products available worldwide without wasting time, money and other resources apart from helping environment. Centre for Energy and Climate Solutions suggests that we can protect land and save energy by shopping online.