how to derive esily the Biot Savart law???
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Biot-Savart’s law deals with the magnetic field induction at a point due to a small current element.
Current element
A current element is a conductor carrying current.It is the product of current,I and length of very small segment of current carrying wire ,dL.
Let us consider a small element AB of length dl of the conductor RS carrying a current I.
Let r be the position vector of the point P from the current element I dL.and θ be the angle dl and r.
According to Biot-Savart’s law,the magnetic field induction dB or magnetic flux density at a point P due to current element depends upon the following factors.
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Current element
A current element is a conductor carrying current.It is the product of current,I and length of very small segment of current carrying wire ,dL.
Let us consider a small element AB of length dl of the conductor RS carrying a current I.
Let r be the position vector of the point P from the current element I dL.and θ be the angle dl and r.
According to Biot-Savart’s law,the magnetic field induction dB or magnetic flux density at a point P due to current element depends upon the following factors.
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