Physics, asked by bhattijat4595, 1 year ago

how to determine direction of force in friction circle bearing in slider crank


Answered by janardhan521248

When the inertia forces are neglected in comparison to the externally applied load, one may go for static force analysis. If the body is under equilibrium condition, then this equilibrium is known as static equilibrium and this condition is applicable in many machines where the movement is relatively slow. These include clamps, latches, support linkages, and many hand operated tools, such as pliers and cutters. In case of lifting cranes also, the bucket load and the static weight loads may be quite high relative to any dynamic loads due to accelerating masses and hence one may go for static force analysis. When the inertia effect due to the mass of the components is also considered, it is called dynamic force analysis. Applied and Constraint forces: • When two or more bodies are connected together to form a group or system, the pair of action and reaction forces between any two of the connecting bodies is called constrained forces. • These forces constrain the connected bodies to behave in a specific manner defined by the nature of the connection. • Forces acting on this system of bodies from outside the system are called applied forces. Electric, Magnetic and gravitational forces are example of forces that may be applied without actual physical contact. But most of the forces we are concerned in mechanical equipment occur through direct physical or mechanical contact. F4 T Figure 1: Four bar mechanism showing external and constraint forces Constraint forces of action and reaction at a mechanical contact occur in pairs and thus have no net force effect on the system of bodies being considered. When a part of the body is considered in isolation the effect of such force is considered by using the freebody diagram.

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